Montag, 11. Juni 2007

K 184-190, Chinese Scarlatti Research, Christopher Hail´s new chronology

11 06 2007

K 190 (L 250) in B-Dur, Allegro. „It was Kirkpatrick who drew attention to Scarlatti´s habit of dividing each half of his sonatas into two distinct zones, and the division here is unusually clear. The two zones are separated by a fermata which is itself announced by a descending arpreggio. Note how after the fermata, the tonal schema hovers between major and minor in a manner frequently adopted by Scarlatti.” (Alain de Chambure 1988,S.96f.).
Für meine Ohren etwas etüdenhaft und daher nicht so ganz mein Geschmack.

10 06 2007

K 189 (L 143) in B-Dur, Allegro. „Many of the Scarlatti´s fingerings have more to do with showmanship than with musical performance. ... Most composers provide fingerings designed to help performers actually to be able to play their works, but on this occasion, Scarlatti imposes a difficulty in order to create a stage effect. .” (Alain de Chambure 1988,S.96). Ich finde da nichts Schlechtes dabei, noch dazu wenn´s so gut klingt wie hier!

09 06 2007

K 188 (L 239) in a-moll, Allegro. “There is a series of semiquaver triplets in this sonata which are identical with those in Beethoven´s second trio. Although it is of course a pure coincidence, one cannot help noticing the fact when playing them.” (Alain de Chambure 1988,S.96). Roll over Beethoven and tell Tchaikovsky the news that Mimo did it already before him...

08 06 2007

K 187 (L 285) in f-moll, Allegro. Eine fröhliche Triller-Orgie mit dramatischen Crescendi und ostinaten Blockakkorden.
Auch in China wird beachtlich viel zu Domenico Scarlatti 斯卡拉蒂 (si ka la di ) geforscht und publiziert. Zum Beispiel von Qing YU:

YU Qing: Fantasy, Exquisiteness and Freedom-A Study of Domenico Scarlatti's Cantabile Sonatas 
ART OF MUSIC (Journal of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, China),(2005) 3, S.50-62

YU Qing: Study on the style of Vamp in Sonata of D. Scarlatti
HUANGZHONG (Journal of the Wuhan Conservatory of Music, China), (2006) 3, S.10-21

Abstract:Vamp is most featured largely in the Sonatas of Italy composer Domenico Scarlatti. Its tone varied considerably and its sound effect is dramatically amazing. It seems to be performed by uncommon voice part with anarchism vigor. Its structure equivalent to the development of Sonata form combines closely and organically with the form one. Vamp is of pronounced characteristic. Consequently, the style characteristics of Vamp are investigated in this study to understand the creation personality of Scarlatti deeply.
(Anm.: Vamp bedeutet Ostinato)

Weitere Literatur findet sich auf:

Eine bemerkenswerte Website zu Domenico Scarlatti ist die von Christopher Hail:

Unter der Rubriken: cogito | citations | catalogue | conversion | collections | contemporaries | cardgames | chronology | characteristics | curriculum | capriccio bietet er ausführliche Informationen zu den vorhandenen Sonaten Sammlungen und stellt eine verbesserte Chronologie der Sonaten auf. Diese erzielt er mit teilweise unorthodoxen Mittel z.B. einem Whist Spielkartendeck u.a. für die chronologische Einordnung der Pariser Boivin –LeClerc und der Londoner Essercizi und Roseingrave-Cooke Ausgaben.

„I therefore conclude, pending a more thorough investigation by scholars of the editions involved, that there is a strong possibility the Boivin-LeClerc livres were set at least in part directly from the composer's manuscripts, that the composer had meanwhile changed his plan, reducing but improving the publication which came out as Essercizi, that the Roseingrave-Cooke editors began by pirating some of the Boivin-LeClerc editions then turned to Essercizi as a source, and finally Boivin-LeClerc retaliated by using some of the editorial features of the Roseingrave-Cooke edition.”( , p.33)

07 06 2007

K 186 (L 72) in f-moll, Allegro. Gut und schön, läßt mich aber etwas unbefriedigt zurück.

06 06 2007

K 185 (L 173) in f-moll, Andante. „One of the rare cases in which the main theme is announced in the bass. Although it has the style and the carriage of a chaconne, this sonata is developed with Scarlatti´s own brand of magic.” (Alain de Chambure 1988,S.95). Ein sehr eingängiges Stück mit hohem Wiedererkennungswert. Klingt sehr modern, speziell wenn auf dem Klavier gespielt.

Francesco Leprino´s grandiose Filmdokumentation über Domenico Scarlatti Un gioco ardito läuft nun groß in Italien an:

Gentili Signori,
dopo la prima di Madrid (20 aprile) e Lodi (30 maggio) comunichiamo le prossime presentazioni del film di Francesco Leprino Un gioco ardito.

Lunedì 11 giugno: Milano, Teatro Dal Verme, nell'ambito della Maratona Scarlatti, dalle ore 18 alle ore 22 (h. 19: prima parte del film; ore 21: seconda parte del film). Ingresso libero (si veda locandina allegata)

Sabato 9 giugno - ore 15-16.45 - su Radio 3 RAI, nella trasmissione Piazza Verdi, si parlerà di Un gioco ardito, con interventi dal vivo di Giorgio Gaslini, Roberto Bonati ed Elena Casoli, che eseguiranno alcune musiche del film.

Dal 20 settembre alle ore 21, Un gioco ardito verrà trasmesso su TV Classica (Gruppo Sky)
È possibile vedere un trailer del film (7'30") sul sito:

Prossime presentazioni segnalate: 22 luglio Milano (Conservatorio Verdi) , 23 luglio Arezzo (Ente Filarmonico Italiano) , 31 luglio San Donato in Poggio-FI (Chianti in Musica), 15 agosto Ascoli Piceno (Perpianosolo), 26 agosto Ovada (Incontemporanea), 9 settembre Torino (Settembre Musica), 11 ottobre Lisbona (Istituto Italiano di Cultura), 13 ottobre Genova (Biblioteca Berio-Associazione Anfossi), 3 novembre Messina (Accademia Filarmonica), 18 novembre Napoli (Centro di Musica Antica), 15 dicembre Prato (ContempoPratoFestival)...

Al Gran Sole, via Maloja 8, 20158 Milano,

05 06 2007

K 184 (L 189) in f-moll, Allegro. „This sonata opens conventionally enough, but very soon we are led into a typical Spanish dance atmosphere, full of hand-clapping, heel-stamping and the rattle of castanets.” (Alain de Chambure 1988,S.95). Die Cembaloeinspielung von Scott Ross läßt diese Tanzatmosphäre tatsächlich entstehen und mir steigt das Bild eines spanischen Tanzpaares in seiner typischen Form auf. Doch es geht auch ganz anders: „The Sonata in F minor,...,has been compared to a children´s cat-and-mouse game with a plaintive section of respite.” (M.u.V.Ledin, Begleitheft zu D.Scarlatti: Complete Keyboard Sonatas Vol.1 Naxos 8.553061) Und Eteri Andjaparidze spielt es auch so. Erstaunlich, diese Interpretationsbreite der Musik Scarlattis!

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